Pension schemes
Compulsory pension
Mandatory pension insurance or Pillar 2 is mandatory for all employees born after 1 January 1962. Employees are insured by mandatory pension funds through employer contributions, and yield is generated based on the investment of funds accumulated in the members' accounts. You can claim a pension from Pillar 2 after claiming a pension from Pillar 1. Pension insurance companies pay pension benefits from Pillar 2, but if pensioners opt for a Pillar 1 pension, their savings are transferred to the state budget and the payment is made by the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute.
Compulsory pension
Pension types
You may receive pension benefits from Pillar 2 after claiming a Pillar 1 pension paid by the Croatian Pension Insurance Company (HZMO). Your pension type will be determined by way of a HZMO decision.
The Croatian Pension Insurance Company (HRMOD) offers the following pensions within the framework of Pillar 2:
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Starosna mirovina iz drugog stupa

Compulsory pension
HRMOD's pension schemes for mandatory pensions from Pillar 2
For more information click LINK
Old-age / early old-age pension
No guarantee period
With guarantee period
One time refund
Single pension
Classic plus
Partner plus
Direkt plus

Koji oblik isplate starosne mirovine izabrati?

Calculate your pension benefits
Find out how much your pension might be worth in just a few clicks.
Type of pension from Pillar 1
Iznos ušteđenih sredstava u mirovinskom fondu? (EUR)
Enter the amount of savings made
Percentage of savings that you wish to receive with the first payment of pension benefits
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Iznos ušteđenih sredstava koji želite primiti s prvom isplatom mirovine
Choose the percentage of savings made
Your age
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