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HRMOD mirovina
Pension schemes
Pension info in a minute
Watch the video to find out anything you have ever wanted to know about the Croatian pension system.
Calculate your pension benefits
Find out how much your pension might be worth in just a few clicks.
Type of pension from Pillar 1
Iznos ušteđenih sredstava u mirovinskom fondu? (EUR)
Enter the amount of savings made
Percentage of savings that you wish to receive with the first payment of pension benefits
Choose the percentage of savings made
Iznos ušteđenih sredstava koji želite primiti s prvom isplatom mirovine
Choose the percentage of savings made
Your age
Enter your age
Would you like to calculate the amount of joint pension benefits?
Molimo odaberite barem jednu od opcija
Do You opt for designated beneficiaries/successors during guaranteed period?
Molimo odaberite barem jednu od opcija
When can I get retired?
Date of birth
Total years of service
Enter your total years of service